Our first products being introduced to the world are only available on Indiegogo!

Indiegogo is the epitome of a win-win situation. Emerging businesses offer really creative, discounted deals in an effort to bring their visions and products to life. In our case, we're looking to fund the minimum order quantities (MOQ) of our Optimal Nutrients.
The process is genius. Unlike how other fundraising platforms charge your bank account the second you punch in your card information, with Indiegogo, you only get charged if we hit our goal -- so, you can pledge risk free if you're genuinely interested in our product(s)!
With a successful Indiegogo campaign, our manufacturer has assured us a (90) day lead time -- so within a few short months you'd be able to expect your first Optimal Nutrients at your door. We hope you'll help us bring these products to life!
Guy explains it perfectly in the video below.